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SAMwin Hydraulic Design Package For Channels
What is SAMwin?
SAMwin is the Windows version of the older DOS-based SAM hydraulic design software.
The SAM Hydraulic Design Package for Channels is a result of research conducted through the Flood Damage Reduction and Stream Restoration Research Program, starting in the late 1980’s, at the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) of the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Vicksburg, MS. Recently, under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRDA-01-CHL-04), Ayres Associates, Ft. Collins CO, developed a modern, user-friendly, graphical user interface.
SAMwin is SAM with the new user interface. SAMwin is an integrated system of programs to aid engineers in analyses associated with designing, operating, and maintaining flood control channels and stream restoration projects. SAMwin provides the computational capability to evaluate erosion, entrainment, transportation, and deposition in alluvial streams. Channel stability can be evaluated, and this evaluation can be used to determine the cost of maintaining a constructed project.
The SAMwin package is designed to provide hydraulic engineers smooth transition from making hydraulic calculations to calculating sediment transport capacity to making sediment yield determinations. The three main modules of the package can be used in series, as described, or their separate capabilities utilized to aid in various hydraulic design situations.
SAM.hyd calculates the width, depth, slope and n-values for stable channels in alluvial material, and
can calculate riprap size as well as normal depth and composite hydraulic parameters for a cross section with
variable roughness.
SAM.sed calculates sediment transport capacity according to a wide range of sediment transport functions, usually using the hydraulic parameters calculated in SAM.hyd.
SAM.yld uses the sediment transport capacity calculated in SAM.sed to calculate the sediment yield.
For more information about SAMwin contact:
Ayres Associates
3665 JFK Parkway, Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80525
For ordering information and sales:
For technical questions and help:
Corps of Engineers users should contact
