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SAMwin Calculation Modules
SAMwin consists of three calculation modules and one guidance utility.
SAM.hyd: The Hydraulics Module
The Hydraulics Module calculates normal depth and composite hydraulic parameters from distributed roughness, including bed roughness predictors. It will also calculate stable channel dimensions--channel width, depth and slope. These calculations use analytical equations which include bed material transport and which separate total hydraulic roughness into bank and bed components. Given either velocity and discharge or discharge and a cross section shape, SAM.hyd will calculate riprap size using the standard Corps procedure.
SAM.sed: The Sediment Transport Module
The Sediment Transport Module calculates bed material discharge curves using sediment transport theories.
SAM.yld: Sediment Yield Module
The Sediment Yield Module calculates sediment yield using the Flow-Duration Sediment-Discharge Rating Curve Method.
SAM.aid: Guidance in Sediment Transport Function Selection
SAM.aid was developed to provide guidance in the selection of the most applicable sediment transport function for a given stream using bed-material gradations and hydraulic parameters for that stream. This is particularly useful when a project is on a small ungaged streams and field data is often limited.
Questions about SAM:
Ayres Associates
3665 JFK Parkway, Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Corps of Engineers users should contact
